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Range of services & focus in the field of metabolic diseases

As an experienced internist specializing in diabetes, obesity, lipid metabolism disorders and hormone disorders, I take care of your concerns competently and with commitment. I am happy to take time for you and look forward to your visit to one of my practice locations.

Diabetes mellitus

An innovative and tailor-made treatment of diabetes requires a high level of competence based on many years of clinical experience, ideally complemented by intensive research. Read more

Lipid metabolism disorders

LDL cholesterol is deposited in the wall of blood vessels and the resulting plaques can narrow or even block the vessels. The possible consequences are heart attacks and stroke. Read more


Overweight and obesity are increasing worldwide and are responsible for the increased occurrence of high blood pressure and finally type 2 diabetes mellitus. Read more

Hormonal diseases

How are hormonal diseases diagnosed? The diagnosis of hormonal / endocrine diseases is carried out by determining hormones or their breakdown products from blood and urine. Read more

Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland controls the metabolism of almost all organs with its hormones. They have an effect on the heart and circulation and thus regulate heart rate and blood pressure. Read more

High blood pressure

What are the consequences of high blood pressure / hypertension? Untreated or inadequately treated hypertension can lead to stroke, heart attacks, and kidney failure. Read more

You are looking for a specialist in Vienna on the subject of metabolic diseases and would like a consultation?

Then we look forward to your call on + 43-1-890 40 41 or simply use our online appointment arrangement.

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